
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blogging Thoughts

Their is always something to blog about…….A new day……a new morning……new thoughts……Some days…..I think to myself….what do I really have to say…that is any importance to blog about…..My life is full…..with many trials & tribulations……But a new triumph in my son’s Jacob’s life… dear sweet boy was just made supervisor at his workplace… some this may be a small feat….but for Jacob & his Family….this news was beyond exciting….we were told that without a lifesaving liver transplant our son would most likely not live beyond the age of 2 years…..that news….reality was more then our Family could digest……But with Jesus…..intervention he ( Jacob ) is a walking miracle…..Jacob is now a 21 year old young man,with a drive to work & a positive work ethic….Congrats Jacob Christian…..For a job well done <3

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