
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Potpourri .....A Mixture Of Life

Yes a mixture of life.....the good,the bad & the ugly.....But with God's Grace The Good. Like the song goes...Mamma said their would be days like this & through them we find wisdom,grace & knowledge and most importantly patience & understanding. God never said life would be easy...but through it all....HE is always by our side....through trials....tribulations....sorrow....triumphs & happiness. Sometimes my mind is consumed with 'Why's ? But its not for my human mind to comprehend....Death leads to eternal life.....its been only 2 months since my cousin Barbara entered into eternal life & I know that she is no longer suffering & is finally at Peace. I miss our daily chats & I miss her presence even in the 3000 mile distance. Today as I sit here blogging....I can hear the birds singing....crows crowing & neighbor's dogs barking & water flowing from fountains & I think to myself......Gods joy is our joy...You shall go out in Joy and be led forth in Peace,the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing and all the tree's of the field shall clap their hands <3 Isaiah 55:12......If your happy & you know it clap your hands......May your day find you clapping your hands.....

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