
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday Morning Thoughts

Thursday Morning Thoughts......Oh yes......A day of sunshine.....birds chirping.....sirens roaring.....chimes making a blissful sound......Ears to hear.....eyes to see & hands to touch.....God's Blessings always ceased to amaze me. This week has been quite a week......Hubby got a speeding ticket....yes at 60 years would think he would know morning he woke up to go to work & the speeding red miata was broken into.....they took the barely working the process destroyed the dash. My daughter Melissa's friend Mother loss her battle with ovarian cancer ...the same horrible disease that took my Mothers heart is breaking for her.....only knowing all to well what she is going through.....but rejoicing that she completed the race.....On a brighter note.....My sweet Ava will be starring next week in Peter Pan.....playing the younger Darling excited to watch her perform....that girl has talent. Also I hope this week we will make a trip up north to see my Charlotte Rose.....Nana misses her so. Well friends enjoy Gods Blessing & remember to enjoy life's simple blessings.....XOXO

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