
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good Old Fashion Living

My Energy Free Dryer…….Growing up as a child on the East Coast……we never had a gas dryer…..this is how we did it……actually I never had a gas dryer…..until my first child was born……before that it was the laundromat on Saturday mornings……Now that I am older & more appreciative of life…..and conserving energy…….if the weather is nice…..some of my laundry goes on my clothesline……in retrospect I never heard my dear Mother,Elizabeth complain..about hanging clothes on the clothesline…..or in our indoor pantry on cold winter days…..which back East that is all winter… was just a way of life back then……I can still picture her at the kitchen sink…..humming a tune & washing the dishes…she was our dishwasher….our dryer….this brings tears to my as a adult….with all the modern appliances I have…..but in honor of all you done for our Family….with never a complaint…..Mommy I Love You Forever…..P.S. Do they have clotheslines in Heaven……..Love Your Daughter…..Little Maggie <3

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