
Friday, May 17, 2013

The Full Barn....My Joys......My Blessings.....

The Fab 6……My Kiddos….Yes here they are…my 6 Blessings from our Creator…..My Loves….My Joys…..My Breaths……left to right…Elizabeth Alexandrea….Jacob Christian….Jordan Robert…..Christopher Michael..David James & The First Born…..Melissa Elizabeth……How did I get so lucky….I prefer to use the word….Blessed…..Luck is what one takes to Las Vegas…..But Blessed Is A More Sound Word……Each one of them so unique & creative in their own way…..each one of them have their own special qualities…all their own…..They adore each other so much with a abundance of LOVE & I know when I leave this earth……they will have each other….& that is my saving GRACE & I know I will be around for them….quite awhile…..God Willing……They are my Sunshine when skies are gray……they are my laughter….my tears…..they are my Life……Thank You Jesus….For Blessing Me & Trusting Me With Their Lives….In Your Holy Name…Amen

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