
Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Sunny Sunflowers Day's

Night Time With Maggie......As you can see I enjoy gardening when the weather is tolerable ......which has not been lately......But luckily I planted my seeds when the weather was cooler.....and looked what blossomed right before my eyes......beautiful tall & whimsy.....Some may say you reap what you sow.......& my garden reaped elegant sunflowers......When I was a child I remember my Daddy planting in our backyard back East & that is when my love affair with sunflowers began.....My Sister & I would pluck the seeds for our parrot Polly......yes a very original name.....while we plucked.....we could not resist the taste of fresh raw seeds....With our crazy California weather......I will indeed be planting more flowers......seeds....etc......My daughter in law Maru....told me that sunflowers are one of her favorite flowers.......Well my garden may appear full......Life can never have enough flowers.......So I will be sowing & hopefully will be reaping more of God's gifts to us in the form of flowers......

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