
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Little Taste Of Seasoning & Lots Of L O V E

A sprinkle of this & a sprinkle of that......and what do you get lots of L O V E .......Just what our J E S U us.....just for H I M simple is that......And HE has blessed us ( me ) with a amazing strings attached.....just lots of love..togetherness..laughter....tears & a abundance of J O Y .......With the holidays upon us....Thanksgiving has to be my favorite far....Family...Love & of course the blessing of presents to buy.....I do enjoy finding the perfect gifts for my loved ones....but Family togetherness is a top priority....I want my offspings to have lasting memories of our time together....not a toy...pair of slippers etc....but our time together as a Family.....So Family & Friends...East Coast Meets West Coast......Take The Time To Enjoy Your Blessings....not your things...xoxo....

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