
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Little Taste Of Seasoning & Lots Of L O V E

A sprinkle of this & a sprinkle of that......and what do you get lots of L O V E .......Just what our J E S U us.....just for H I M simple is that......And HE has blessed us ( me ) with a amazing strings attached.....just lots of love..togetherness..laughter....tears & a abundance of J O Y .......With the holidays upon us....Thanksgiving has to be my favorite far....Family...Love & of course the blessing of presents to buy.....I do enjoy finding the perfect gifts for my loved ones....but Family togetherness is a top priority....I want my offspings to have lasting memories of our time together....not a toy...pair of slippers etc....but our time together as a Family.....So Family & Friends...East Coast Meets West Coast......Take The Time To Enjoy Your Blessings....not your things...xoxo....

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ronald Kraus Brittingham...AKA The Fox......Rabbi Ron....

Friday Night...November 7th 2014......Oh how I love spending time...with my Uncle Ronald.....the only surviving sibling of the Kraus/ Mothers baby lifeline to my late Mother's a child...teenager & a adult...Elizabeth Ellen Kraus Brittingham Ochoa....Today I was blessed to spend a afternoon with my funny & loving Uncle Ronald....Our Brittingham /Kraus Family hails from the East Coast.....Delaware to be exact......Autumn is in the air back East & reminiscing about our life back Delaware is enchanting....the changing of the leaves.....the crispness of the air.....My Uncle & myself...enjoy the beauty of tree's.......sitting in his daughters cousin....Sissy as she is known to our Family.......which is now also his home....sharing his memories.......about a life gone by......but forever etched in our hearts & souls......Uncle Ronald...I love you a Bushel & A Peck......


Its been awhile since I blogged......everyday I would say to myself...what shall I blog about many things on my mind....I know I call my blog....Mornings With Maggie.....but here it is Friday evening......approx. 9:30......Shark Tank is on the <3 has been on my Aunt Anita....from my Fathers side....about 2 weeks ago.....I was blessed to spend some time with her......even though their is a language barrier.....we love each other so deeply....Our times together is priceless.....and tonight my mind is asking many more Seasons does she have,,,,and also how many do we have....We need to embrace & appreciate all our Seasons.....Tia Anita.....I love you Winter...Spring ...Summer & Fall.......

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Moments......

Sunday Moments.......The beginning of a new week.......To everyone who knows me...knows how much my Family...means to I find myself with tears in my eyes.....everything is good...bills are paid....everyone is good...emotions are a part of me...whether its laughing.......crying......dismay.....sometimes sadness invades me....we all have moments of is all part of the circle of life.....I think because of my compromised eye sight....pending eye surgery....and my almost 21 year old daughter moved out....not that I do not want my children to spread their wings.....but when the timing is right....I want my kiddos to be happy & self sufficient.....I guess I am being a bit selfish.....but I really think my heart is hurting a bit.....I pride myself with the closeness I have with my children....its the unknown that has me thinking......will my eyesight improve IDK......but the beauty of the world that surrounds me....I must embrace while I can.......I always tell my friends to look at the glass as half now I must take my own advice.....So to me from me.......your glass is more than half drink up.......until the next time the blogging bug bites.......Cheers....

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hey June.......

Now who doesn't enjoy a fair......our June adventure took us to Del Mar California.....for the San Diego County Fair......this has become a fun tradition with David....Elle...Claire & Ivy......I so enjoy seeing the excitement in my granddaughters faces.....going round & around on the swings.....roller coaster & of course the merry go round.....a all time favorite ride of kiddos everywhere.....& if you enjoy fried food...this is the place to go......fried pickles......fried corn name it...the fair has it......but luckily I ate my lunch on the way......but I did partake in a frozen banana.....Other than enjoying my granddaughters giggles......I really enjoy the exhibit's.......This year the themes focused on the Fab $...The Beatles......You know the guys with the long hair from Liverpool England......To me Family is the core to my being......we also celebrated Fathers Day or as I call it Daddy's day.....with a bbq & a new bbq for Pops.....but always taking time to reflect on my own Daddy...with loving memories......looks like June will going out with warm..sunny & family time......Until next time......Happy Birthday America.....

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hello June.........

Claire & Ivy
Charlotte Rose
Greetings From Temecula......Hello June.......My God amazes me......his glory...his strength......his love.....As I look around my life one word comes to my mind.....BLESSED......even through my ........trials.....tribulations & joys......I take a glimpse at life through my granddaughters.faces.....their innocence.....their laughter......their love............My Garden of life is full & always room for more....the splendor of birds.....their morning songs.....bring me joy...even on dreary days.....God is close to my heart......As I face cataract surgery.....I face it with calmness & trust......& praying one day soon......I will sitting at my sewing machine...stitching away.....Until then my Family & friends.....may you take the time to sow Gods Glory....

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I Got The Month Of May.....

Good Morning.......As May is winding down.....some thoughts consume my mind......ahhh yes 6 beautiful granddaughters.....Praying that one day..... we will be blessed with more.....May brought us to Myrtle Creek Nursery....tucked away in Falbrook California ..a quaint small town.....nestled in San Diego Ca......this place is could sit there all think & to take in nature.....Also we celebrated our youngest granddaughters 2nd Birthday.....Ivy Pearl turned 2 years.....Ivy is a beautiful delicate little petite & a smile that melts my heart.....Until next time smile & take the time to enjoy nature......

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Mother...A Grandmother.....A Great Grandmother.....A Mother in law ...Frances Alberty Gonzalez.....July 24th 1928 ~ April 20th 2014.........Soar High.....

Frances ( Paca ) Alberty Gonzalez.......entered into eternal rest.....April 20th 2014......Gramma Paca......A new journey.....a new & flawless suffering & pain.....rejoicing that your new eternal life has begun.....with Our Savior.....Our Redeemer...Our Jesus......We will all miss you..but our memories will forever be etched in our hearts....The Gonzalez Legacy will continued....your life was blessed with 2 sons....David & Bobby.....2 daughter in laws Maggie & Pam.....9 grandchildren.....Melissa...David James...Christopher....Jordan....Jacob & the last born grandchild/granddaughter Elizabeth.....& Melanie....Johnny & Tommy......also 9 great grandchildren.....Autumn...Morgan...Ava....Claire...Charlotte Rose.....Ivy Pearl.....Amalea....Bobby & Alexander.....& a extra bonus grandson in laws Matthew Andrew & James and last but not least 3 granddaughter in laws....Elle/David.....Maru/Christopher & Lorna>Johnny......You now know what many of us only dream eternally with our Father....Bless it be the name of our Lord.......Your Legacy Shall Grow On With Generations To Come


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