
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rainy Yesterday's & Sunny Days........

Oh how I love rainy days......all snuggle up at home......candles scenting my home.......homemade tortilla soup simmering on the stove.....ahhh a mixture of vanilla soy candles & the aroma of soup.....quite the combination......Then it was time to venture out to Costco's.....went to the entryway to retrieve my umbrella......Hey who took my flowery umbrella ?????? So before heading out to the BIG Box was out to find a umbrella.....hey & I was not the only one.....surrounding the umbrella's at my local Ross......I did manage to pick up two.....both girly one's .......hopefully to keep away any male Family members.....hey but I doubt it.......Came home from my errands.....exhausted......made myself a cup of hot cocoa......and of course a blueberry muffin.....that is one of the main reasons I went to Costco's.....hehe......I am addicted....yikes......its muffin rehab for me......BTW the tortilla soup was ever so scrumptious....that even Jacob.....came upstairs later in the give me a hug around the neck.....and thanked Momma.............Then woke up this morning.....thinking that maybe it would still be raining......but the clouds opened up to sunshine & birds.....singing a joyful today.....may the glory of our Son......hug you around the neck......

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