
Thursday, November 7, 2013

November Mornings....

Goodbye October.......Hello November......October was a very trying month for our Family.....On October 7th we decided it was time to put our beloved dog Shadow was not a easy decision to make......but we knew in our hearts it was the humane thing to do.....our hearts are beyond sad....but we were blessed with the years we had with her.....October was also full of highlights too.....taking our Charlotte Rose to the pumpkin patch was such a delight.......hay.....pumpkins.......ponies.....goblins......was so much fun for our little one.......Also October also brought me to Menifee Medical Center......for eye surgery to repair my macular hole......yes the BIG BLACK HOLE......that has taken up residence in my right eye.......and prevented my vision.....a 2 hour hopefully prevent any further damage & hopefully to restore some vision.......just a side Doctor.....surgeon....told my husband that I talked all during the surgery......who me lol.......gosh I wonder what I said.....hopefully that will stay in the operating room.....hehe......keeping my head down for one entire week was quite a that I am happy to say.....I vision is still blurred.....but getting better all the time......Now with October behind us.....whew...its time to say Hello November........

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