
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome October......Good Bye September

Leaving September Behind......But instilled in our hearts & memories.......September was a delightful month......Family from back East were in California......3000 miles.......Delaware Coast all the way to the California Coast......& what a awesome time we had with our cousins Jerry & Kathy Woznicki.....yes my last name may be Ochoa/Gonzalez.......but German blood runs through my veins & so proud of all my heritage.....but let me tell you.....their is nothing like the Kraus's......we laugh....we cry & then we laugh & cry......again........When our cousins were here......they actually still are.....but I do believe they are going to PV ( Palos Verdes ) with my sister Barbara & my brother in law Charlie.....But during our time with them ......they enjoyed Temecula's Wine Country & dinner in Old Town Temecula & what a glorious evening it was......dinner on the patio at Rosa's fun & 4 hours of conversation about our childhood on the East Coast Delaware......our many amazing times......New Jersey Shore......But now we are on Cali time......Sunday we headed up to Manhattan Beach......for a fun filled evening at the Hermosa Beach Comedy & Magic Club.....with Jay Leno headlining.....yes side splitting laughter.....while enjoying our the club......& I was able to actually keep my food where it belonged in my mouth.....the opening acts were just a funny......The hubs & I indeed want to do it again....went there one other time probably 30 something years ago.....but as we mature ( who me ) things just get funnier.....or as I prefer to say punny.....pardon my pun.......But all in all it was awesome getting to spend 2 days with Kathy & Jerry & I can hardly wait for their next Cali visit......sailing to Catalina......Now onto time with the girls....granddaughters......
Our last weekend in September also involved sweet little girls......who indeed have our hearts in their sweet little delicate hands....spending time with them is always a joy.....their innocence....their sweet voices......gentle all wrapped up in sweet little girls......Claire ( as you can see her & Pops share a special bond )......Ivy Pearl......radiates such a sweet essence......but not when she is pulling Big Sis's hair......but her sweet nature can fool you.....but she is coming around to Gram & Pop's......& then their is Charlotte Rose aka Charlee.......personality plus all wrapped up in this sweet petite body.....always ready for fun.......Yes Folks My Heart Sings Pink.....Until Next Time........Welcome October.........3 Family Birthdays ........Halloween & lots of other adventures.......

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