
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Blessing Number 6 Elizabeth Alexandrea......Oh Happy Day.....

Happy Birthday To Our Beautiful Daughter Elizabeth.......Gods gift to our Family......Elizabeth Alexandrea is quite unique....she is shy....yet outgoing.....has a heart for the disabled.....elderly & animals......She loves animals.....especially doggies.....if we are driving down the street & she sees a stray......Mommy better be ready to put on her breaks.......I have been in that situation a few times & of course Elizabeth wanted to keep them......but I knew the right thing to do was to find the owner & hey we already have 5 canine kiddos......Believe it or not when we adopted our first pup.....Elizabeth practically held herself captive in her own bedroom....because of her fear of dogs.....but fast forward.....she overcame her fear ( maybe a little to much ) now when she talks to the animals...they talk back..Elizabeth also has such a soft spot for both the disabled & the elderly......for instance we were driving down the street just the other day & she saw a man in a wheelchair slumped over & she had me turn around to make sure he was okay & he was......When we would visit her late Pop Pop Ochoa at the assistant living.....she would make sure to visit a sweet lady named Flora.....& she even blessed the ladies at the facility with some of her the time she was only 6 years old.....but they touched her heart & certainly she touched theirs .We are so blessed with this girl.....who everyday tells us she loves us.......So Elizabeth not only have you blessed our lives.....but others.......We Love You XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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