
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom..

I like to think of myself as a woman of wisdom. This seems to come with that I gracefully accept with my complete heart. I much prefer wisdom over beauty,but I would really take both.But that is not always the case....but to me beauty radiates from the inner person. I hope & pray that I have laid a groundwork with wisdom in my children,but in truth it does really come with age. My Mother would always look at the good in people & not the negative. I really think many people ,not all,only perceive the complete opposite of goodness. To me I try to be a reflection of my Mother Elizabeth Ellen & try only to see the beauty of one's inner self. Sometimes,people are battling something we cannot see with our naked eye & we always need to be kind,patience & most importantly loving. When my eldest child Melissa Elizabeth would complain about someone or something at work....I would tell her to kill them with kindness,but what I really meant is always treat them with kindness,offer them a hug or just your ear. So today.....I offer my wisdom,my heart & my love....       The Lord grants wisdom ! From the mouth come knowledge & understanding....Proverbs 2:6                                  

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