
Saturday, May 4, 2013

I wanna be a cowgirl :-)

Yes today....I added a patch to my quilt....I went horseback riding with Dave. Oh I was so excited I could hardly contain myself,this is a patch I have wanted to add  to my quilt for some time & actually I feel I am I cowgirl at heart....dusty boots & all.....I actually would prefer to think of myself as a horsegirl....since I did ride a horse not a cow. Through trails & valleys.....this ride was awesome, Molly my horse was very kind & careful & when I had to buck her under belly I felt awful & I apologized over & over again....she was forgiving & actually told me my buck was very gentle.....whew. Well Molly girl thank you for a ride of a lifetime & I feel I am already up to my next giddy up.....So I will be dusting off my boots & be waiting for my next ride.

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