
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Nana & Pop Pop Dave's Love

Nana & Pop Pop Dave…….First..I have to mention…how much I adore my Hubby’s green purse…..maybe I should ask him if I can borrow it……This is a pic of Nana & Pop Pop Dave with our 5th Granddaughter Charlotte Rose……Let me begin & share with everyone how much Love & Joy…..this little girl has brought to our lives……leaps & bounds of happiness…..we do not get to see her as that often…because of the distance…Our Son Christopher & our daughter live in Torrance,with our sweet Charlotte Rose……But this little girl has spent nights with us…even a complete week..while Mommy & Daddy,went on their honeymoon….That week was a delight…..pure bliss…..bubble baths…cuddles…..sleepless nights….but it was a total joy…..Charlotte Rose is only 10 months old…..she walks…..says a few words…..( Nana )……She dances while Nana sings …I am going to dance with the dolly…with the hole in her pocket & she loves when I read to her…..Polly Puts The Kettle On…..I am sure Mommy & Daddy…..are kinda tired of Nana singing the same song :)……In just a short 2 months…..this sweet little girl Charlotte Rose will be turning 1……Thank You Christopher & Maru…..For Blessing Our Family With This Miracle….Charlotte Rose <3 Update this is a older post from Tumblr.....Charlotte Rose is now 13 months old.

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