
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday Morning Thoughts

Thursday Morning Thoughts......Oh yes......A day of sunshine.....birds chirping.....sirens roaring.....chimes making a blissful sound......Ears to hear.....eyes to see & hands to touch.....God's Blessings always ceased to amaze me. This week has been quite a week......Hubby got a speeding ticket....yes at 60 years would think he would know morning he woke up to go to work & the speeding red miata was broken into.....they took the barely working the process destroyed the dash. My daughter Melissa's friend Mother loss her battle with ovarian cancer ...the same horrible disease that took my Mothers heart is breaking for her.....only knowing all to well what she is going through.....but rejoicing that she completed the race.....On a brighter note.....My sweet Ava will be starring next week in Peter Pan.....playing the younger Darling excited to watch her perform....that girl has talent. Also I hope this week we will make a trip up north to see my Charlotte Rose.....Nana misses her so. Well friends enjoy Gods Blessing & remember to enjoy life's simple blessings.....XOXO

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The First 3

My First you can see my heart sings 3 girls.....Autumn Elizabeth Rose,Ava Estella & Morgan Ashlyn....My first born Melissa's offspring.....fruits of my fruits.......My 3 Hearts. The 3 Perez girls are all so unique & talented,1st comes Autumn.....our softball girl.....a catcher with a dry & funny personality our 1st Granddaughter , next is Morgan Ashlyn the middle , fashionable & a singer & a dancer......and next the baby Ava .....a actress.....she will be staring in her 2nd play.....playing the part of a young Wendy Peter Pan.....this bundle of energy makes us all laugh & smile......she also loves playing softball too.....her team/age division just took 1st place in the league....I am not only proud of this awesome trio......but gracefully blessed.....

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Simple Sunday Splendor.....

Sunday evening the first day of the week.....A day of rest,worship,relaxing & reflecting. Today was a busy day for the Hubs & I ,as we are in the process of fixing up the backyard for Summer...BBQ,Swimming & Family Time.Gazebo,umbrella's & new plants,new pool towels ( last years have disappeared ) & I sure this years towels,will vanish too.  When I was a child Sunday's always meant pancakes.....always made by my Daddy & he indeed became famous for his cakes......Good old AJ mix.....but he must of did something a little different.....since everyone loved his not so he always made me silver dollar syrup for me....I didn't like the soggy I enjoyed them dry.But over time I have learned to savor the taste of a old fashion pancake,syrup & all. The picture above,with all the old fashion people enjoying the day...always captured my mind as a child....this picture/painting was displayed in my art class,as a child back home in New Castle.I used to stare & imagine what all the people were doing & thinking......In retrospect,I now think they were all enjoying their Sunday afternoon in the park....So as my Sunday winds down......I will continue to count my blessings & prepare for the new week......Enjoy....

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Chair.....A Hat....Some Twine....Some Tools....

Now who doesn't enjoy gardening......I so enjoy having my hands in the me gloves are to confining......I love to feel the earth with my hands.....dirt under freshly manicured nails....I do not care.....That is why we have soap & water.....Today I am setting out for some more flowers.....Yes Springtime is here.....Birds chirping.....lawn mowers going.....ahh the smell of fresh cut grass....Nothing like the feel of Spring.....With Summer just around the bend......

Maggie Maggie Quite Contrary.....How does your garden grow.....

Begonias .....
Every rose has a thorn 
Nothing says old fashion like a hydrangea plant.
A rose is a rose.....Springtime at its finest.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Words Of Wisdom..

I like to think of myself as a woman of wisdom. This seems to come with that I gracefully accept with my complete heart. I much prefer wisdom over beauty,but I would really take both.But that is not always the case....but to me beauty radiates from the inner person. I hope & pray that I have laid a groundwork with wisdom in my children,but in truth it does really come with age. My Mother would always look at the good in people & not the negative. I really think many people ,not all,only perceive the complete opposite of goodness. To me I try to be a reflection of my Mother Elizabeth Ellen & try only to see the beauty of one's inner self. Sometimes,people are battling something we cannot see with our naked eye & we always need to be kind,patience & most importantly loving. When my eldest child Melissa Elizabeth would complain about someone or something at work....I would tell her to kill them with kindness,but what I really meant is always treat them with kindness,offer them a hug or just your ear. So today.....I offer my wisdom,my heart & my love....       The Lord grants wisdom ! From the mouth come knowledge & understanding....Proverbs 2:6                                  

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Morning Thoughts......Under The Big Top.........Happy 1st Ivy Pearl

Another Birthday Goes Down In History......Ivy turns 1. This past Sunday we celebrated Ivy Pearls 1st Birthday......Circus Style.....Under The Big Top. As you can see through the pics of Ivy's Birthday, The circus was in town at Spencers Crossing Park in French dogs pizza,potato salad,popcorn,clowns,balloons & fun,all for a little girl who was turning one. Freckles the clown was the highlight....face painting & balloon making...what a treat for all the kiddos with delight. Another milestone in the Family.....Birthday after Birthday for our nation of a Family.....18 & counting....& Nana & Pop Pop Dave couldn't be happier.....6 amazing kiddos & 6 amazing & beautiful Granddaughters....Hey I think we could start our own circus & sometimes it feels as though I am in/at a circus......But I Simply Love It.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Nana & Pop Pop Dave's Love

Nana & Pop Pop Dave…….First..I have to mention…how much I adore my Hubby’s green purse…..maybe I should ask him if I can borrow it……This is a pic of Nana & Pop Pop Dave with our 5th Granddaughter Charlotte Rose……Let me begin & share with everyone how much Love & Joy…..this little girl has brought to our lives……leaps & bounds of happiness…..we do not get to see her as that often…because of the distance…Our Son Christopher & our daughter live in Torrance,with our sweet Charlotte Rose……But this little girl has spent nights with us…even a complete week..while Mommy & Daddy,went on their honeymoon….That week was a delight…..pure bliss…..bubble baths…cuddles…..sleepless nights….but it was a total joy…..Charlotte Rose is only 10 months old…..she walks…..says a few words…..( Nana )……She dances while Nana sings …I am going to dance with the dolly…with the hole in her pocket & she loves when I read to her…..Polly Puts The Kettle On…..I am sure Mommy & Daddy…..are kinda tired of Nana singing the same song :)……In just a short 2 months…..this sweet little girl Charlotte Rose will be turning 1……Thank You Christopher & Maru…..For Blessing Our Family With This Miracle….Charlotte Rose <3 Update this is a older post from Tumblr.....Charlotte Rose is now 13 months old.

My Roots

Home Sweet Home……I was born in Delaware…..First State Of The Union…..2nd smallest state…Rhode Island being the first….George Washington crossed the Delaware River…..Home of the Blue Rocks ( baseball team ) and yeah TAX FREE shopping……Growing up in Delaware was enchanting…..we got to enjoy the 4 Seasons…..not the Music Group…..but we did listen to their music & so enjoyed it……But Winter,Spring,Summer & Fall…..oh how I so loved the Autumn time…..rustling leaves…..the changing of the leaves from green to hue’s of reds,yellows,orange & brown…..crunching the leaves…with my feet… picking at my Aunt Peggy’s & Uncle Jerry ( RIP ) …….Apple Cider & Ginger Snaps… our neighborhood park….Also the Harvest Festival at Colwyck Elementary…..( my school ) …..Such excitement…..Wintertime……Snow Days……building snowmen… skating…..sledding… cocoa…..Though the Winters were not so much fun for my Father….snow chains..icy roads…..snow shoveling….& my Mother…taking snow suits off of 3 little girls……hands & frost bitten fingers…..running them under warm water…….But oh how I loved the snow…..Springtime……New Life…..Blooming Flowers & Butterflies….Now onto Summer……Water ices…..running through sprinklers…..lightning bugs ( fire flies ) backyard circuses…lemonade stands…..oh such JOY……Going to the shore…..Wildwood……Cape May…….& Rehoboth….Belly Busters ( Hamburgers ) Salt Water Taffy……Oh the Boardwalks……Staying at my Aunt Peggy’s cottage…….crabbing……then my Aunt Peggy…..boiling the crabs……Yummy…..Enchanting It Was…….Home Sweet Delaware……Always In My Heart……Oh our Delaware….Our Beloved Delaware…….My Roots…..My Heart…..My Home…

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Full Barn....My Joys......My Blessings.....

The Fab 6……My Kiddos….Yes here they are…my 6 Blessings from our Creator…..My Loves….My Joys…..My Breaths……left to right…Elizabeth Alexandrea….Jacob Christian….Jordan Robert…..Christopher Michael..David James & The First Born…..Melissa Elizabeth……How did I get so lucky….I prefer to use the word….Blessed…..Luck is what one takes to Las Vegas…..But Blessed Is A More Sound Word……Each one of them so unique & creative in their own way…..each one of them have their own special qualities…all their own…..They adore each other so much with a abundance of LOVE & I know when I leave this earth……they will have each other….& that is my saving GRACE & I know I will be around for them….quite awhile…..God Willing……They are my Sunshine when skies are gray……they are my laughter….my tears…..they are my Life……Thank You Jesus….For Blessing Me & Trusting Me With Their Lives….In Your Holy Name…Amen

February 26th 2013......Oh Happy Day

                                    Happy 21st Birthday Jacob Christian……..Today is my Son Jacobs 21st Birthday………This is not just any Birthday…….This Birthday marks a MILESTONE…… the young age of 4 weeks…….Jacob was diagnosed with a liver disease called ” Biliary Atresia ” at 6 weeks old he underwent a ” Kasai ” procedure at Children’s Hospital San Diego,this surgery was not a cure……but a bridging technique……that would give his body time to grow & eventually prepare him for a liver transplant…… on November 17th 1994…….that time came…….A family from Las Vegas……gifted & blessed our son with their  late sons organ……which we are forever grateful…….Life has not been a easy road for Jacob……many many hospital stays……many close calls……last rites……may trials & tribulations…….but through it all Jesus was with him every step of the way……holding his hands & ours……..many prayers & hands laid upon him………..Jesus has showed HIS GRACE upon Jacob……..So today February 26th 2013……We not one wish you a Happy Birthday…..We Salute you son…….For your determination & courage through this all……..Keep Fighting………..God is on your side……..We Love You Forever……For you are our Sonshine <

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

Happy Thursday......The day after Wednesday & the day before Friday....Thursday Thoughts......I love Thursday....because I know the weekend is ahead.....Ivy's Birthday celebration.....Circus Style...Family,Fun & Food......My cheat day....but always with control....wink wink. But today my Thursday thoughts are on ants.....not the related one's.....the little black one's & once I made a schedule appt with the pest control guy.....I have the ants under control...with Terro traps...I have been hesitant about pesticides & their effects....but after talking to him & voicing my concerns,I am feeling pretty confident. So back to Thursday hearing the chimes blowing in the wind....birds chirping.....errands......Well today will be a shorten version of blogging....hard to believe Huh? Well have a great day & smile. PS.....To my Family I love you all a bushel & a peck & a hug around the neck.....FYI My Mother used to sing this song to me XOXO

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Good Old Fashion Living

My Energy Free Dryer…….Growing up as a child on the East Coast……we never had a gas dryer…..this is how we did it……actually I never had a gas dryer…..until my first child was born……before that it was the laundromat on Saturday mornings……Now that I am older & more appreciative of life…..and conserving energy…….if the weather is nice…..some of my laundry goes on my clothesline……in retrospect I never heard my dear Mother,Elizabeth complain..about hanging clothes on the clothesline…..or in our indoor pantry on cold winter days…..which back East that is all winter… was just a way of life back then……I can still picture her at the kitchen sink…..humming a tune & washing the dishes…she was our dishwasher….our dryer….this brings tears to my as a adult….with all the modern appliances I have…..but in honor of all you done for our Family….with never a complaint…..Mommy I Love You Forever…..P.S. Do they have clotheslines in Heaven……..Love Your Daughter…..Little Maggie <3

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Morning Thoughts

Monday Monday So Good To Me.....Californian Dreamin Oh Such A Spring Day.....Yes the day after Sunday...the 2nd day of the week & a start of a new week for many....back to work,school & reality.A new day , a day full of Sonshine....His Love,His Presence,His Timing. As many of you know that yesterday May 12,2013 was Mothers Day...A day full of laughter,love & Family time. I was the Queen For A Day.....hey I am not complaining....I'll take me it was not only a Hallmark day,it was so much more, a day where I reflected about the Mother I was blessed to have for 18 years & being a Mother,Mommy,Mom & myself put it all in perspective .....I so enjoy being a calling in life...not only to be a Mommy to 6 thoughtful & unique individuals .....yes 4 sons & 2 daughters....I was also called to be a Pre K teacher for many years.....also a Sunday school teacher....a Mother figure to many of my childrens friends & a Gramma,GG,Grammy & a Nana....To say Motherhood is a job is indeed a understatement....but a ultimate Blessing....One that I will cherish forever.To me I have received the ultimate gift....something that $$$$ cannot buy. So today & everyday.....Smile,Be Blessed & Be Fed <3


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