
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday Thoughts......Yesterday's Memories......

Thursday Thoughts......Yesterday Memories......Do you ever have those days...when your mind wonders of days gone bye.Well today & yesterday.....have been days like that. Thinking back to my childhood......closing my eyes & there I am 132 Somers ave Swanwyck Estates New Castle Delaware....a historic little town......cobblestone roads.......row houses.....with shutters......colonial doors......Easter parade's at the town park.....Easter egg hunts.......Autumn time.....sipping apple cider & the crunch of a ginger snap.......yes memories etched in my mind & heart......Our home was a quaint style ranch house.....adorned with shutters....a brick front.....a huge tree.......and a ample backyard......big enough for 3 little girls to run through backyard circus's / carnivals.....the sweet innocent ....... laughter of children.......Father's at work.....Mother's busy in the kitchen.....preparing supper.....washing dishes as they hum folk songs......yes like I said memories.....of days gone by.......Sometimes I still want to be that little girl......holding onto her Mothers arm.......But little girls grow up to be Mommy's themselves.......with her children always holding onto her hand & heart........A Abundance Of Blessings In All Situations......

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

61 years young.....Oh Happy Day.....

Yeehaw,,,,,,Cowboy Dave turned a young 61......Giddy up......The hubs & I celebrated his big day...horseback riding through the trails of the Temecula Valley.....oh how exciting our 2nd trail ride & we were just as we were for our first time. We are now seasoned pros.....just like Dale & Roy......or maybe like Roy & Dale......Our horses Chester & Smokey......were very feisty to say the horse Chester was a galloping Mustang.....Smokey I do believe a quarter horse Chester decided to give Smokey a slight buck in his face......whoa.....Chester.....The trails were ours......Dale & Roy have/had nothing on cowboy Dave & cowgirl Maggie......hehe........After a beautiful morning of riding the was time for us to have some grub ( that is cowboy talk ) at one of our favorite eatery Honey Cut Farms just north of Temecula......chicken fried steak/eggs for Dave & a cheese omelette for Dale ( oh I mean Maggie )......then it was time for Dale & Roy to hit the hay.....for a short Sunday nap. Riding the trails can make us youngins tired......Roy requested Dales famous stuffed bell peppers for dinner.....oh so scrumptious.....just like my Mama used to make....Another patch in our quilt.....always more to add......many more trail rides indeed in our future.....Happy Trails & Love.....Until next time........Yee Haw

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Yesterday.....Our girl Shadow Linn Gonzalez......passed away......our Family is grieving for our beloved girl.Shadow has been a part of our life for the last 15 years.....she adopted us in November 1998.....right before Thanksgiving......we were talking about adopting/recusing a dog.....little did we know not only did we choose her......Shadow chose us & how blessed our Family was for her decision.....she loved us unconditionally .......we fed her, bathed her....I took her on daily walks & sometimes daily jogs.....but she gave our Family so much more.....just because she loved us & boy did we love her & we will continue to. It was hard letting her go......but she was in extreme pain & letting her suffer was something we did not want to do.....we owed it to release her of her pain......Her body was slowing down......her gallop no more.....Now sweet are free of pain & crossed the Rainbow Bridge......Until we are reunited in HIS HOLY will always be with me......For you are my Shadow.....Mommy Loves You My Sweet Girl XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Blessing Number 6 Elizabeth Alexandrea......Oh Happy Day.....

Happy Birthday To Our Beautiful Daughter Elizabeth.......Gods gift to our Family......Elizabeth Alexandrea is quite unique....she is shy....yet outgoing.....has a heart for the disabled.....elderly & animals......She loves animals.....especially doggies.....if we are driving down the street & she sees a stray......Mommy better be ready to put on her breaks.......I have been in that situation a few times & of course Elizabeth wanted to keep them......but I knew the right thing to do was to find the owner & hey we already have 5 canine kiddos......Believe it or not when we adopted our first pup.....Elizabeth practically held herself captive in her own bedroom....because of her fear of dogs.....but fast forward.....she overcame her fear ( maybe a little to much ) now when she talks to the animals...they talk back..Elizabeth also has such a soft spot for both the disabled & the elderly......for instance we were driving down the street just the other day & she saw a man in a wheelchair slumped over & she had me turn around to make sure he was okay & he was......When we would visit her late Pop Pop Ochoa at the assistant living.....she would make sure to visit a sweet lady named Flora.....& she even blessed the ladies at the facility with some of her the time she was only 6 years old.....but they touched her heart & certainly she touched theirs .We are so blessed with this girl.....who everyday tells us she loves us.......So Elizabeth not only have you blessed our lives.....but others.......We Love You XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome October......Good Bye September

Leaving September Behind......But instilled in our hearts & memories.......September was a delightful month......Family from back East were in California......3000 miles.......Delaware Coast all the way to the California Coast......& what a awesome time we had with our cousins Jerry & Kathy Woznicki.....yes my last name may be Ochoa/Gonzalez.......but German blood runs through my veins & so proud of all my heritage.....but let me tell you.....their is nothing like the Kraus's......we laugh....we cry & then we laugh & cry......again........When our cousins were here......they actually still are.....but I do believe they are going to PV ( Palos Verdes ) with my sister Barbara & my brother in law Charlie.....But during our time with them ......they enjoyed Temecula's Wine Country & dinner in Old Town Temecula & what a glorious evening it was......dinner on the patio at Rosa's fun & 4 hours of conversation about our childhood on the East Coast Delaware......our many amazing times......New Jersey Shore......But now we are on Cali time......Sunday we headed up to Manhattan Beach......for a fun filled evening at the Hermosa Beach Comedy & Magic Club.....with Jay Leno headlining.....yes side splitting laughter.....while enjoying our the club......& I was able to actually keep my food where it belonged in my mouth.....the opening acts were just a funny......The hubs & I indeed want to do it again....went there one other time probably 30 something years ago.....but as we mature ( who me ) things just get funnier.....or as I prefer to say punny.....pardon my pun.......But all in all it was awesome getting to spend 2 days with Kathy & Jerry & I can hardly wait for their next Cali visit......sailing to Catalina......Now onto time with the girls....granddaughters......
Our last weekend in September also involved sweet little girls......who indeed have our hearts in their sweet little delicate hands....spending time with them is always a joy.....their innocence....their sweet voices......gentle all wrapped up in sweet little girls......Claire ( as you can see her & Pops share a special bond )......Ivy Pearl......radiates such a sweet essence......but not when she is pulling Big Sis's hair......but her sweet nature can fool you.....but she is coming around to Gram & Pop's......& then their is Charlotte Rose aka Charlee.......personality plus all wrapped up in this sweet petite body.....always ready for fun.......Yes Folks My Heart Sings Pink.....Until Next Time........Welcome October.........3 Family Birthdays ........Halloween & lots of other adventures.......


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