
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sew Crazy

My New Hobby……Sew In Love With Sewing…….Yes my latest hobby & projects……I started sewing after many years…..I have only sewed something on a machine…..2 times….yes 2 time……Home Economics with Mrs Powell…..Rest In Peace….those dang button holes…..on that red,white & blue blouse…..I did give to my late Aunt Bertie ( RIP ) & she wore it proudly……gosh I wonder what ever happened to that…old flag ( oops ) blouse….it most likely ended up in the Goodwill…….Bless The Old House ( Blouse )…..Well today……I am sew HAPPY to be sewing again……no buttonholes ever……just for now pillowcase dresses….pillows & whatever sews my boat…

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