
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Crafting All The Way

Crafting All The Way……To say I enjoy crafting is a understatement…..I adore crafting……creating….( trying to think of another C word ) collaborating…..their you go : ) I enjoy stenciling,painting ( kinda ) I love my glue gun….my sewing machine…..far from being a seamstress…but I love to play with it….made some shabby chic pillows today ( 2 ) next I want to make my younger granddaughters….some pillowcase dresses…….I found some vintage looking shabby chic curtain panels ( super cheap ) Yes I try to be frugal also…..found them on clearance at Tar’Get : )……the fabric will make some sweet dresses for my little ones…..I do not think my teenage granddaughters,would like pillowcase dresses…….but the wee ones….would look darling in them. I also have a vintage suitcase that is a WIP…..already finished my window…..need to find it a home in my home : ) Then my old door….trying to decide inside or outside….above is a picture of a idea….will search for more on Pinterest…..Until then…..Knock Knock….no one is home yet…..Happy Shabby Days Are Here Again <3

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