
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My New Friend.....Miss Sewing Machine

My new friend & sometimes my enemy .....depending on my mood & day,but I really enjoy new hobby & my new adventure....I am teaching myself the art of is no easy task....but one I take with such joy....every stitch.....every hem....every project.I actually should take of these day's...until then....tote's,pillowcase dresses & pillows....Until next time....Happy Sewing To Me.

Potpourri .....A Mixture Of Life

Yes a mixture of life.....the good,the bad & the ugly.....But with God's Grace The Good. Like the song goes...Mamma said their would be days like this & through them we find wisdom,grace & knowledge and most importantly patience & understanding. God never said life would be easy...but through it all....HE is always by our side....through trials....tribulations....sorrow....triumphs & happiness. Sometimes my mind is consumed with 'Why's ? But its not for my human mind to comprehend....Death leads to eternal life.....its been only 2 months since my cousin Barbara entered into eternal life & I know that she is no longer suffering & is finally at Peace. I miss our daily chats & I miss her presence even in the 3000 mile distance. Today as I sit here blogging....I can hear the birds singing....crows crowing & neighbor's dogs barking & water flowing from fountains & I think to myself......Gods joy is our joy...You shall go out in Joy and be led forth in Peace,the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing and all the tree's of the field shall clap their hands <3 Isaiah 55:12......If your happy & you know it clap your hands......May your day find you clapping your hands.....

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Resting Place

The Brittingham & Kraus…..All Together…..Rejoicing In Heaven… Silver-Brook Cemetery ,Wilmington Delaware. Their Pit Stop To Everlasting Life…..Wow…To think that most of your Family will eventually all be here someday…its kinda daunting…..My Great Grandparents ,Michael & Emma Kraus..My Grandparents Edward & Barbara Marie Kraus Brittingham…My Parents Elizabeth Brittingham Ochoa & My Father Santiago ( Jimmy ) Ochoa…..My Uncle Eddie ( Edward Brittingham ) My Dear Aunt Barbara Doris Brittingham Moses & Now My Dear Sweet Cousin Barbara Ellen Moses Littleton,The same age of me…..Still trying to wrap my mind & digest the thought,that I can no longer pick up the phone & call her…..still so hard to believe…..We have now become our parents…..The Circle Of Life…..It really wakes you up & makes you really feel like a adult…..yes almost 58 years old & thinking mortality is real……Blessed To Have Had All Of These People In Your Life…..Memories Like My Uncle Ronald  Brittingham Said…..Become Treasures……Love To All….In Heaven & Here On Earth <3

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mommy Of 3 Girls.

Mommy Of 3 Girls……Let me just start by saying…..That my late Mother Elizabeth Ellen..Had the sweetest heart & was one of the most caring & kind women….ever….She never had a unkind word to say about anyone & I mean anyone…..never heard her gossip or say a ill word about anyone..She was born & raised in Delaware……Married my Daddy in the mid 1940’s & raised 3 daughters……She was a wife..a homemaker…a daughter, sister….a Aunt…a cousin…..but most importantly a women of God…..and our beautiful Mommy <3….She stayed home & took care of everyone…I mean everyone…..never took time for herself… trade she was a hair dresser & a tax consultant….She was a women of  times……but I really think & she did have so much to offer the world…..she was brilliant ……creative…..she was also runner up in her state pageant…Miss Delaware…… she always had the spirit to help others…..she would take in a young blind orphan….by the name of Albert….he played a mean guitar &would sing right along….every Thanksgiving while we lived in Delaware….She would always say that their was something special about each one of her Daughters…..she would say that I had a smile that could light of the world…..I pray that I did light up her world…..even through the crazy teenage years……My beautiful Mother lost her life at the young age of 50 years….to a dreaded & silent killer …ovarian cancer……the same disease that she volunteered for the American Cancer Society….She never had the pleasure of meeting my 6 children….who I know she would of adored…..but I am blessed ..she did get to experience ..being a Grandmother to my niece Nicole <3……So To My Courageous & Beautiful Mommy…..Until We Meet Again…..I Love You XOXOXO…..and Thank You For All Your Love For Me & For Others <3

Daddy of 3 girls..

Daddy Of Three Girls&#8230;&#8230;.That us&#8230;the 3 Ochoa girls&#8230;&#8230;.with our Daddy &amp; Our Dolls&#8230;&#8230;Oh how we adored our Daddy&#8230;&#8230;.and our dolls&#8230;&#8230;.I do believe this was during Christmas time&#8230;..probably circa&#8230;.1956/57&#8230;&#8230;not quite sure&#8230;&#8230;but what I am sure about was our love for our Daddy&#8230;&#8230;and likewise his love for us &lt;3&#8230;&#8230;.Our Daddy was a hard working husband &amp; Daddy &amp; of course I thought he was the strongest man on earth&#8230;&#8230;especially when our dog Shaggy broke loose from our car  he took off&#8230;&#8230;there went our Daddy&#8230;with his broken arm&#8230;&#8230;like a speed of lightning took  after him&#8230;..and caught up with him&#8230;&#8230;I knew at that point&#8230;..not only was he the strongest&#8230;..but also the fastest&#8230;..On Saturdays&#8230; Daddy would either take us&#8230; skating at Delaware Park&#8230;.The New Castle Farmers Market or roller skating at the rink in Maryland&#8230;.such memories I have of my childhood in Delaware&#8230;.Beach trips to Cape May&#8230;..Wildwood&#8230;and Lake Cumo&#8230;such exciting times&#8230;..even the time my best friend Marlene Reno &amp; I got spankings for not getting out of the lake&#8230;..that was probably the only spanking I ever received,because we knew he meant business&#8230;..Marlene still remembers that quite vividly&#8230;..Marlene was part of our Family&#8230;.even if she was Italian&#8230;..she was not only&#8230;.my best friend&#8230;.but also  like my sister &amp; daughter to my parents&#8230;.so blessed we still stay in touch 3000 miles away&#8230;&#8230;But back to my Daddy&#8230;&#8230;.thank you for brushing my hair&#8230;.when I was a little girl&#8230;..taking me on our many adventures&#8230;..and letting me play waitress in our kitchen&#8230;..and tipping me buttons &#8230;&#8230;instead of coins&#160;; ) Taking me to Holy Spirit on Ash Wednesday&#8230;..Palm Sunday &amp; of course Easter&#8230;..but letting me go to our neighborhood Church with the West Family&#8230;.all the other Sundays&#8230;.for telling me I sang as pretty as the Lennon sisters even with my lisp&#8230;..and for timing me as I practiced for my track meets ( I ran fast too&#8230; my Daddy )&#8230;&#8230;.But Most Of All For Showing Me Your Love For Our Jesus&#8230;&#8230;.and for always remembering to Thank The Man Upstairs&#8230;&#8230;Love Your Daughter&#8230;..Maggie&#8230;&#8230;.Here&#8217;s To Our Daddy Of 3 Daughters&#8230;..XOXOXO &lt;3
Daddy Of Three Girls…….That us…the 3 Ochoa girls…….with our Daddy & Our Dolls……Oh how we adored our Daddy…….and our dolls…….I do believe this was during Christmas time…..probably circa….1956/57……not quite sure……but what I am sure about was our love for our Daddy……and likewise his love for us <3…….Our Daddy was a hard working husband & Daddy & of course I thought he was the strongest man on earth……especially when our dog Shaggy broke loose from our car  he took off……there went our Daddy…with his broken arm……like a speed of lightning took  after him…..and caught up with him……I knew at that point…..not only was he the strongest…..but also the fastest…..On Saturdays… Daddy would either take us… skating at Delaware Park….The New Castle Farmers Market or roller skating at the rink in Maryland….such memories I have of my childhood in Delaware….Beach trips to Cape May…..Wildwood…and Lake Cumo…such exciting times…..even the time my best friend Marlene Reno & I got spankings for not getting out of the lake…..that was probably the only spanking I ever received,because we knew he meant business…..Marlene still remembers that quite vividly…..Marlene was part of our Family….even if she was Italian…..she was not only….my best friend….but also  like my sister & daughter to my parents….so blessed we still stay in touch 3000 miles away……But back to my Daddy…….thank you for brushing my hair….when I was a little girl…..taking me on our many adventures…..and letting me play waitress in our kitchen…..and tipping me buttons ……instead of coins ; ) Taking me to Holy Spirit on Ash Wednesday…..Palm Sunday & of course Easter…..but letting me go to our neighborhood Church with the West Family….all the other Sundays….for telling me I sang as pretty as the Lennon sisters even with my lisp…..and for timing me as I practiced for my track meets ( I ran fast too… my Daddy )…….But Most Of All For Showing Me Your Love For Our Jesus…….and for always remembering to Thank The Man Upstairs……Love Your Daughter…..Maggie…….Here’s To Our Daddy Of 3 Daughters…..XOXOXO <3

Friday, April 26, 2013

Trying To Get Fit....Better Me..Better Life

Yes I am at it again......exercising ,eating healthy & trying to be a better me....a healthier me & a more conscious me. I have done this before & I can do it again....with Faith,Love & Hope. I am down one size...but no weight loss....go figure...Hubby has loss 30lbs ....same eating habits & I try to extend my work out...kettle ball & jogging intervals.....hmmm males verses females......menopause ( women ) males ( ??? ) oh whatever lol.....But with determination & prayer......I am women.....hear me roar. Here's To A Day Filled With God's Love & Sonshine...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Green Obsession.

My Obsession With Green…….I admit I adore the color green……not just any color green……a light vintage green……I love green colored purses,green tops,green jewelry… walls… vintage knick knacks…my pots & pans are green…my tea pot… candles ( dotted swiss candle holder )…I also adore dotted swiss….I do prefer to mix green up with a splash of pink & white……I do have green eyes…. ( yes two browned eyed parents….RIP ) but my obsession is beyond eccentric…..Light Vintage Green…..always attracts my attention….wherever I go…….So I will follow green…..wherever it goes….To the end of the Earth…..Here’s To A Green Future & A Green Earth : )

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Mothers Love

Love Between A Mother & Her Daughter.....
Everyone experience loss so their own way & timing.Their is no wrong or right way. Losing a Mother is tragic for us daughters,but for me I never felt angry or betrayed...My Mother did not want this...can you imagine what goes through their minds when they are terminally ill...with no cure in sight...Our Mothers are the ones who lost so much....growing old with their daughters,some of them never getting the chance to meet & love their grandchildren.So what I do is keep my Mothers memory alive...through pictures....memories & laughter. I honor my Mother by being the best Mother,friend & Nana...I can possibly be...I do not feel sad on Mothers Day....I feel honored that she gave birth to me & loved me until the end....I do miss her every waking moment....but anger  will not hold me capture ♥

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Gift Of Life....The Gift That Keeps On Giving ....

Yes....The gift that keeps on giving......Our Life......Our Hope......Our Son.....Jacob Christian Gonzalez. Jacob was born February 26th 1992....a sweet sweet boy....8lbs 10oz , yes a big guy,my 5th child & my 4th son. I was so in love with this boy & I named him Jacob,this was I named I adored since childhood ( yes I already knew that my life was to involve many children ) not only as a Mommy,but a early childhood heart. Shortly after Jacob's birth,I sensed something wasn't right,but the MD's kept telling me I was pp.....I wasn't this was my 5th child & I knew.After nagging & nagging,pleading & begging,we finally got authorization to go to Children's of San Diego.....almost instantly,Jacob was diagnosed with a life threatening liver disease Biliary cure & the only option was a liver transplant ,prior to that Jacob underwent a Kasai procedure....this was hopefully to bridge the inevitable liver transplant. That day Finally came November 17th 1994.....a new liver was awaiting for our son,who so was in dire need of a transplant.....Last rites etc.....Jesus heard our pleads....our desperation...our hope...our Prayers......My goal is to make everyone around me to know " Organ Donation " is a viable option....So if you have it in you hearts of hearts....Please make you family aware of your wishes.....Recycle Yourself.....Amen

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ode To My Cousin Barbara Ellen Littleton

Ode To Barbara Ellen Moses Littleton……My First Cousin…My Friend……My cousin Little Barb,passed away yesterday after a 8 year battle with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma……A battle she fought bravely & courageously …….We grew up together..our Mommy’s were sisters….my Mother Elizabeth Ellen & her Mommy Barbara Doris…..they were only 2 years apart & Barb & I a mere 1 month apart in age……She would spend Summers & Christmas Time with us…..her Late Father….My Uncle George Moses….hailed from the Ohio/West Virgina area…..So that is where her Family settled in……our Family was in Delaware….As children we fought like sisters….played like sisters….but always having a loving spirit for each other….As adults….we also had our disagreements & a close close bond…….we spoke almost everyday…..talking about her illness & childhood memories… many enchanting times..we had together…..beach trips to Wildwood,Cape May & Lake Como…..I told her that I forgave her for painting my arm & breaking my toy princess phone ; ) & she forgave me for pushing her out of my bed as children……one memory that I never did remember…..I think she made this one up Lol……She grew up as a only child… I was like her sister/cousin…..she came out to California a few times once my Family moved here…..also she came to Temecula..when we first moved here…..she had quite a knowledge for antiques……depression glass etc…..In May my sisters & I went back East ( Delaware ) to visit her & our other Family back there…..We had a great time visiting Amish country in PA & visiting our Grandparents home…..the above pic shows us in front of their home ( former ) 127 Brighton Avenue ,Brack Ex.We also had a great lunch /dinner at one of our favorites places to eat…since childhood……Mrs Robino’s a Delaware landmark…..We were blessed to have gotten together for a mini reunion of sorts…..with ” The Kraus’s a crazy & loving group of people….So many laughs…..stories & tears…..I was hoping to have gone back……to see her……But she was called home on March 1st 2013……at 12:45 eastern time…….So now I will cherished our memories together from childhood through our 57 years together…….Rejoicing that she is now in her eternal life…..with our Family who left before & most importantly……Little Barb….My <3 is sad…….but our memories will sustain me……Until we are reunited in HIS Holy Present…Together …….I Love You…Your Cousin Maggie XOXOXOXO

Crafting All The Way

Crafting All The Way……To say I enjoy crafting is a understatement…..I adore crafting……creating….( trying to think of another C word ) collaborating…..their you go : ) I enjoy stenciling,painting ( kinda ) I love my glue gun….my sewing machine…..far from being a seamstress…but I love to play with it….made some shabby chic pillows today ( 2 ) next I want to make my younger granddaughters….some pillowcase dresses…….I found some vintage looking shabby chic curtain panels ( super cheap ) Yes I try to be frugal also…..found them on clearance at Tar’Get : )……the fabric will make some sweet dresses for my little ones…..I do not think my teenage granddaughters,would like pillowcase dresses…….but the wee ones….would look darling in them. I also have a vintage suitcase that is a WIP…..already finished my window…..need to find it a home in my home : ) Then my old door….trying to decide inside or outside….above is a picture of a idea….will search for more on Pinterest…..Until then…..Knock Knock….no one is home yet…..Happy Shabby Days Are Here Again <3


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