
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Thoughts....

Usually I have plenty to say.....but today my mind is drawing a blank.....hard to believe huh ? But I am sure my thoughts will flow like a roaring river...soon......The month of January is winding down.....January has been a simple month.....Dave is adjusting to being home.....even with my short " Honey do " list.......only one adventure this month.....took our 9 year old granddaughter Ava to see Into The Woods....the 3 of us enjoyed the movie.....I really want to see American Sniper....okay okay....I really want to see Bradley Cooper.....and I heard the movie is really good and long....We also celebrated our first granddaughters 18 birthday...yes Autumn Elizabeth Rose is 18 big ones....she couldn't wait to buy a lotto week Autumn..Topanga....Melissa and myself will be heading up to Dodger Stadium for Fan excited...Our son David and his Family sold their home it record time....they are moving on to a larger home.....that will suit their growing family.....hmmm I have a feeling their will be a bun n the oven in the near future.....and I couldn't be more happier...also Christopher....Maru & Charlotte Rose are moving back to Redondo Beach....we are all excited.....they tried Cerritos....but they both work in the South Bay.....and the commute was too much.....and with a new baby on the just all seemed to work out.....speaking of babies.....Nana ( that's me ) has been buying cute little boy clothes after 6 granddaughters I must say it feels kinda strange...but I am indeed enjoying every moment....Wow....I thought my mind was drawing a blank.....did I just eat my words....Well until next time......Stay Blessed...Stay Fed......Stay Warm ( Pastor George ) see I was listening.....East Coast Meets West Coast sending my L O V E ...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sleeplesss In Temecula......

Its half past 11:00.....and I am still wide awake.....tossing and turning...trying to wind down from a day of cleaning...coking dinner etc....I woke up bright and early...which is unusual for me lately.....I usually don't dose off till early early morning.....but last night I slept like a baby...Speaking of babies,,Christopher and Maru...are excepting a sweet baby boy...our first grandson....after 6 beautiful granddaughters....this will indeed be a new chapter for us....we are beyond excited.....speaking of granddaughters.....we had a fun time celebrating Christmas with our growing much joy in our little granddaughters spending time with everyone...warms my heart....And by now...everyone knows Temecula was a Winter exciting for this East Coast dream came true....a welcome season for New Year....I felt like a child seeing snow for the first time..I grew up n the East....but now as a adult...haha.....I thought I was dreaming...I became that little girl again from Delaware.....snow boots and all......My children were equally excited...after hearing endless stories of my snow days....


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