
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hey June.......

Now who doesn't enjoy a fair......our June adventure took us to Del Mar California.....for the San Diego County Fair......this has become a fun tradition with David....Elle...Claire & Ivy......I so enjoy seeing the excitement in my granddaughters faces.....going round & around on the swings.....roller coaster & of course the merry go round.....a all time favorite ride of kiddos everywhere.....& if you enjoy fried food...this is the place to go......fried pickles......fried corn name it...the fair has it......but luckily I ate my lunch on the way......but I did partake in a frozen banana.....Other than enjoying my granddaughters giggles......I really enjoy the exhibit's.......This year the themes focused on the Fab $...The Beatles......You know the guys with the long hair from Liverpool England......To me Family is the core to my being......we also celebrated Fathers Day or as I call it Daddy's day.....with a bbq & a new bbq for Pops.....but always taking time to reflect on my own Daddy...with loving memories......looks like June will going out with warm..sunny & family time......Until next time......Happy Birthday America.....

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hello June.........

Claire & Ivy
Charlotte Rose
Greetings From Temecula......Hello June.......My God amazes me......his glory...his strength......his love.....As I look around my life one word comes to my mind.....BLESSED......even through my ........trials.....tribulations & joys......I take a glimpse at life through my granddaughters.faces.....their innocence.....their laughter......their love............My Garden of life is full & always room for more....the splendor of birds.....their morning songs.....bring me joy...even on dreary days.....God is close to my heart......As I face cataract surgery.....I face it with calmness & trust......& praying one day soon......I will sitting at my sewing machine...stitching away.....Until then my Family & friends.....may you take the time to sow Gods Glory....


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