
Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Whale Of A Day & Other Adventures.....

What a awesome & amazing day......just imagine a beautiful sunny Mission Bay...San Diego......Yes Winter in February......I was so excited for this adventure.....actually I am excited for everyone of our monthly adventures.....This is one patch I have been wanting to add to my life's quilt.....& one I will indeed want a replay......Summer Time will be Blue Whale Watching......Looking forward to this adventure.....not only did we see a whale...but white sided dolphins......seals.....pelicans & sea lions......To see these beautiful creatures was breathtaking.....In their natural habitat.......just like God planned......Our Honda Pilot......also took us to Torrance to spend time with Charlotte Rose......Melissa.....Autumn & Ava came along.....Fun & Frolic at Victor Park ......swinging......sliding down the slide.....bouncing Lady Bug rides & buzzing Bumble Bee rides.......Charlotte & Autumn.....had a awesome time & Nana sure enjoyed watching it all....
As you can see we had a awesome day at the park.......& it is so close to their home......we were able to walk to the park & push Charlotte Rose......FUN......Hey & that's not all.......The next day Gram & Pops had a Claire day.........So much joy & cuteness in this 3 1/2 year old.....ready for some we go.....

Bubbles......Trains........Corn Dogs.....French Fries & Cherry Lemonade.....Spells A Fun Filled Day With Sweet Claire........March adventure     hmmmmm where shall we go ?????????

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