
Friday, December 20, 2013

Walking Through A Winter Wonderland......

Greetings From Temecula California......Walking Through A Winter Wonderland.....California Style.....What a season this has been......warm weather.....rainy weather......frigid weather......but through it all The Joy Of The Lord Is Our Strength.......HIS Love keeps us warm...even in trials & tribulations......HE knows our weakness & strength....and believe me I have many weaknesses.....but through it all I need to Believe.......In HIS Glory & Grace......December really came rather quickly......but through it all.......I am HEART is full of my Families LOVE & Support........& most importantly HIS LOVE IS FOREVER........Okay everyone ready......I hear jingle bells.......Delightful December started with our annual Christmas Bunco......oh so much laughter.....12 women ( gals ) in the same place for about 3 mouth was hurting from giggling so hard......we played our crazy game......I really do not know what its called.....but one thing I can tell you ....its fun......I went home with not only a beautiful cake platter ( thanks  Jessica ) but a full tummy & a full heart......Then on Sunday night......I was blessed with the sound of Christmas Carols......while Dave & I took a carriage ride.....horses & all through the vineyards of Temecula's Wine Country.......lights & listening to Christmas Carols......Oh What Fun It Is To Ride In A 2 Horse Red Trolley......& Believe me the fun continued Tuesday night......Old Spaghetti Factory & Mission Inn was our destination.......yummy food......delightful company.......David......Elle......Elizabeth.......Hubs & most importantly Claire & Ivy.......To watch Christmas through a child's eye......doesn't get more magical then that.......& it indeed brought the child in me out..........So I hope the magic of Christmas......warms your heart & soul........& To Always Remember The Reason For The Season......Our Savior........~

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