
Monday, February 23, 2015

Break Time.........

Sometimes I feel I spend too much time on Social Media mainly Facebook......that I get all caught up in gossip......sometimes people tell me too much info and this time I jumped on the party bus......a invitation I  should of declined.....but my flesh got the better of me...for this I am ashamed of I took a little time away from facebook...even though I miss my chats with my dear friends and indeed my family......I was getting so caught up I did something I never said I would do......I put it out there I was having severe back problems ( slip disc ) I never want my problems to become others problems......well the back is slightly improving......that I even decided to try cleaning.....bad can wait......But I did feel well enough this pass Sunday to head up North/Redondo Beach to visit my sweet Charlotte Rose and of course her Mommy & Daddy......We have so much fun with her.....she loves when Nana reads to her......last count it was 5 books and counting.....she loves when Pop Pop tickles her....Pop Pop wa taking a little rest and she went over to kiss his cheek and covered  him with her favorite blanket..........My daughter in law is growing our first grandson ever so beautiful........a sweet little basketball shape......we already have a supply of little boy things waiting for him.....Boy Oh Boy......what we know of his name so far is his middle name....David......named after his Pop Pop our son Christopher is big on traditions .....Speaking of Family.......A Big Kraus Family reunion is slated for 2016 in Milford my cousins Mary Ann Greens house.......most my Family  resides on the East Coast and the Kraus's are so much fun.......hoping to make this adventure.....Until Next Time East Coast Meets West Coast And Somewhere In Between  ..........Be Blessed XOXO

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