
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Midweek Moments .........& Memories.....

Hello Wednesday.......Lots of thoughts consumed my ones.....trying ones......But with each comes lessons of learning........1st Cor14 verses 4 thru 8 sums my feeling all up.....not only one of my all time favorite verses but also all my late cousins James Kevin Brittingham favorite too.....Kevin as he was known to our Family.....endured a life full of trials.....losing his Mother at such a vulnerable age a mere 13/14 years.......was to much for a young man to endured.....but he always had the love of his Family but most importantly Jesus.......But at a young age mid 40's alcohol found Kevin & he found alcohol.....& it held him captive......but through his demons he always held onto his love of Jesus.....until the end & now he entered into eternal from his demons & right into the arms of Jesus........Rejoicing
In life there is always a silverlining.....our sweet & beautiful first born Granddaughter turned 17 years old......Autumn Elizabeth Rose.......A girl full of fun......a awesome sense of humor.....she can always make her Nana laugh........Not only is Autumn funny.....but a awesome softball player with catching being her expertise........So to you Autumn Elizabeth Rose Perez.....Gramma.....G-Ma.....Nana......Grams.....loves to the baseball stadium in the sky......Play Ball xoxoxo.......

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