
Friday, March 13, 2015

The Porch & The Pipe

I have been thinking about my Grandfather lately......aka Poppie....Edward Emory Grandfather was a tall man...with a gentle heart........he was a thinker.....he would sit by the hutch....which we would refer to as a breakfront......his radio and his pipe.......every morning he would have eggs.....bacon...toast and tea every morning...sipping his tea.....while listening to his radio.....he had quite the collection of radio's......he wasn't much for was part of his long as I could remember.....along with his pipe........I remember as a young child.....being at my cousins Birthday party.......Patty.....back in Delaware we were always with Family.....well at Patty's party.......his pipe came in handy.....we were playing the balloon game....well pop went my balloon ( thanks to my Poppie's pipe ) won the one ever knew...except myself and my Pops......Another one of my Grandfathers pastime was gardening and sitting on the porch and feeding the many sweet memories are etched in my heart......sitting on the porch with my Poppie......My Grandfather's garden was ever so beautiful......I don't know what he did......but everything flourished......tulips.....roses......azalea's etc.....Just like m y love will continue to flourish......Every time I look at my roses.....I always think of you with love..For every thorn has a rose......From East Coast to West coast and somewhere in between.....I love you a Bushel & A Peck...XO....


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