
Monday, June 27, 2016

My Life With Dogs

       My life with dogs.....I grew up with dogs.....Shaggy,Spice,Mortyke,Harpo,Shadow,Sophie,Rocky,Sasha,Zoe and most recently Layla. I can not imagine my life without my canine me they are so much more than animals....I talk to them like human beings and they attentively listen🐶....I love them and they love me unconditionally......they have brought so my love & joy to my life💚 We adopted our first family dog wait wait she adopted us.....and we were the blessed one's indeed....we were blessed beyond blessed to have had 16 loving years with her💝....we enjoyed her so much we recused another sweet girl Shadow had a sister& they meshed beautifully......then one day my son Jacob decided he wanted his own 🐶....he saved & saved and bought Rocky Boy.......he was so cute playful & cuddly.....well as the story goes.....almost to the day of getting Rocky fixed Sophie was with child....and boy Rocky was as surprised as we were.....but out of it came 2 sweet little girls who we affectionally named them Sasha & Zoe.....Sophie was such a caring Momma and to this day she still cleans her girls💝💝 so now we were a Family of 5 canine kiddos💚 As the years went by Shadow lost her gallop and we knew it was time for her to cross over the Rainbow Bridge🌈....we were sad but we knew in our 💚'S she needed to be set free.....Fast Forward we recently adopted our rambunctious full of life....she has nearly destroyed all her play things.....And on a sadder note our Rocky Boy joined his sister Shadow yesterday and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge🌈.....he is no longer sick and blind....but happily frockiling with Shadow and all the others who passed over the 🌈Bridge....until we are reunited with our canine kiddos....they are continually in our❤️'S....

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Heavenly Mothers

Heavenly Mothers....My Mother My Soul My Heart.....It's still hard to believe my sweet Mother has been gone for 42 years....throughout my life my days she is always in my heart my short life with her 18 years she instilled so much wisdom thoughts and kindness....I credit her for the women I am today....of course with a few mishaps in my here I am almost 61 years I still yearn for her....her voice her kindness her presence...but knowing one day we will be reunited forever....I am so blessed that Motherhood was my calling....birthing 6 beautiful lives....not a moment I regret....would do it over and over the added bonus Grandma Gram and Nana to 8 amazing and beautiful souls.....the other day I was chatting with my dear Aunt Peggy via phone and we were talking about Motherhood....she sweetly asked me if I had a favorite response was they each bring me something special every single one of them....To all 6 of my offsprings I Love You All A Bushel And A Peck....And to my beautiful 8 grandchildren....and a hug around the neck....Much Love....To all my Family and Friends East Coast Meets West Coast and somewhere in between...May you all have a blessed and joyful Mothers Day until next time XOXO

Friday, November 27, 2015


It's been a long time.....I am back......It feels good to be back at blogging.....many happenings in our Ohana.....This past month took us to Maui.....and yes I fell head over heels in this is a place that was never on my bucket list or I prefer my life's much lush beauty in this quaint island.....teal clear ocean water.....soft sand....clear blue skies....flowing palm trees......warm light showers....delicious local food....sushi....poke....pineapple....mangos etc....We even experience a beautiful rainbow......yes Somewhere over the rainbow.....way up high.....this song brings tears to my eyes....Sitting on the sand with my feet tucked under the warm sand.....yes a natural pedicure......the water was so warm and glorious......snorkeling seeing a school of beautiful yellow fish....something I never thought I wanted to experience.....boy was I surprised.....beautiful sea turtles coming to softly returning to its home....Evening time took us to Historical Lahaina....shaved ice cheeseburger in paradise.....a historic tree full of whistling birds.....yes Maui was Paradise.....So much so I will indeed be returning.....So until next time Mahalo Maui and Aloha...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mothers.....Spells L O V E

Mothers Spells L O V E .........Wow...what is a Mother......tears are welling up.......My beautiful Mother Elizabeth Ellen Brittingham...her given name...daughter of Barbara Kraus Brittingham & Edward Brittingham......born January 13th 1924.....a women way ahead of her smart and full of worldly wisdom.....a hair dresser by trade and a tax consultant extremely smart with numbers.....she grew up in Wilmington Delaware...the oldest of 4 children......1 sister Barbara Doris....2 brothers Edward Lewis & Ronald Kraus.....she would sew her own clothes by hand.....was a avid reader......and yes runner up in the Miss Delaware pageant....a 5'6 beauty...brown curly hair and sweet brown smiling eyes....being so beautiful never affected her...she was so much more....a example of a loving daughter..sister...wife...cousin...aunt and yes the most unselfish Mother and person ever...A Mother in the late 40's 50's and onward.....was a  job which she held highly..but she wanted and deserved much when I was 13 years old....she went back to school....she earned a certificate to be a tax preparer something she was doing for quite awhile...she loved it......but her life took a different direction when she became a first time and only time Grandmother...ahh she loved and adored this new title......Sadly her life ended at the young age of 50 years young......she always thought of God and her Family first.....when I was in high school she would ask me if I thought what I would enjoy doing with my life...she knew I adored children and somehow I knew my world would involve lots of kiddos...not only my own but she was on a mission and quest to find out what I needed to do to accomplish my dream......she was here to see me start college to become a early childhood educator.but her <3 was there when I completed my studies.....I only wish she was there to see me reach my goal...but I know she would be so very proud of me......Pre  K Teacher for many years and a Mother to 6 beautiful kiddos...2 of daughters which carry her name Melissa Elizabeth & Elizabeth Alexandrea.....So today & always Mom...I honor your legacy and your life...Until we meet again.......To all my Family and Friends East Coast Meets West Coast & Somewhere In Between..Have a blessed Mothers Day....

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Porch & The Pipe

I have been thinking about my Grandfather lately......aka Poppie....Edward Emory Grandfather was a tall man...with a gentle heart........he was a thinker.....he would sit by the hutch....which we would refer to as a breakfront......his radio and his pipe.......every morning he would have eggs.....bacon...toast and tea every morning...sipping his tea.....while listening to his radio.....he had quite the collection of radio's......he wasn't much for was part of his long as I could remember.....along with his pipe........I remember as a young child.....being at my cousins Birthday party.......Patty.....back in Delaware we were always with Family.....well at Patty's party.......his pipe came in handy.....we were playing the balloon game....well pop went my balloon ( thanks to my Poppie's pipe ) won the one ever knew...except myself and my Pops......Another one of my Grandfathers pastime was gardening and sitting on the porch and feeding the many sweet memories are etched in my heart......sitting on the porch with my Poppie......My Grandfather's garden was ever so beautiful......I don't know what he did......but everything flourished......tulips.....roses......azalea's etc.....Just like m y love will continue to flourish......Every time I look at my roses.....I always think of you with love..For every thorn has a rose......From East Coast to West coast and somewhere in between.....I love you a Bushel & A Peck...XO....

Monday, February 23, 2015

Break Time.........

Sometimes I feel I spend too much time on Social Media mainly Facebook......that I get all caught up in gossip......sometimes people tell me too much info and this time I jumped on the party bus......a invitation I  should of declined.....but my flesh got the better of me...for this I am ashamed of I took a little time away from facebook...even though I miss my chats with my dear friends and indeed my family......I was getting so caught up I did something I never said I would do......I put it out there I was having severe back problems ( slip disc ) I never want my problems to become others problems......well the back is slightly improving......that I even decided to try cleaning.....bad can wait......But I did feel well enough this pass Sunday to head up North/Redondo Beach to visit my sweet Charlotte Rose and of course her Mommy & Daddy......We have so much fun with her.....she loves when Nana reads to her......last count it was 5 books and counting.....she loves when Pop Pop tickles her....Pop Pop wa taking a little rest and she went over to kiss his cheek and covered  him with her favorite blanket..........My daughter in law is growing our first grandson ever so beautiful........a sweet little basketball shape......we already have a supply of little boy things waiting for him.....Boy Oh Boy......what we know of his name so far is his middle name....David......named after his Pop Pop our son Christopher is big on traditions .....Speaking of Family.......A Big Kraus Family reunion is slated for 2016 in Milford my cousins Mary Ann Greens house.......most my Family  resides on the East Coast and the Kraus's are so much fun.......hoping to make this adventure.....Until Next Time East Coast Meets West Coast And Somewhere In Between  ..........Be Blessed XOXO

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sunday Thoughts....

Usually I have plenty to say.....but today my mind is drawing a blank.....hard to believe huh ? But I am sure my thoughts will flow like a roaring river...soon......The month of January is winding down.....January has been a simple month.....Dave is adjusting to being home.....even with my short " Honey do " list.......only one adventure this month.....took our 9 year old granddaughter Ava to see Into The Woods....the 3 of us enjoyed the movie.....I really want to see American Sniper....okay okay....I really want to see Bradley Cooper.....and I heard the movie is really good and long....We also celebrated our first granddaughters 18 birthday...yes Autumn Elizabeth Rose is 18 big ones....she couldn't wait to buy a lotto week Autumn..Topanga....Melissa and myself will be heading up to Dodger Stadium for Fan excited...Our son David and his Family sold their home it record time....they are moving on to a larger home.....that will suit their growing family.....hmmm I have a feeling their will be a bun n the oven in the near future.....and I couldn't be more happier...also Christopher....Maru & Charlotte Rose are moving back to Redondo Beach....we are all excited.....they tried Cerritos....but they both work in the South Bay.....and the commute was too much.....and with a new baby on the just all seemed to work out.....speaking of babies.....Nana ( that's me ) has been buying cute little boy clothes after 6 granddaughters I must say it feels kinda strange...but I am indeed enjoying every moment....Wow....I thought my mind was drawing a blank.....did I just eat my words....Well until next time......Stay Blessed...Stay Fed......Stay Warm ( Pastor George ) see I was listening.....East Coast Meets West Coast sending my L O V E ...


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