
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Making New Memories.....Old Ones Forever In Our Hearts....

A new year.....a time for new memories to be trials & tribulations.....2013 was a blessed year also a year of new be learned.....sadness......happiness.......missing loved ones who left the earth to places we only dream of....our animals crossing the Rainbow Bridge.....It is only Gods Timing that we can count on......Our Family of 18 is healthy for the most part.....sometimes a few hiccups along the way.....but always putting our Faith in God. I for one never make resolutions....but I thrive to be a more loving & considerate wife.....Mommy.....Mother in Law...Nana......Sister.....Aunt.....Cousin & Friend & praying that my flesh doesn't get the better part of me....If I slip up.....I need to admit my not only to myself.....but to my Father.....I am HIS child & I want HIM to know my LOVE for HIM is everlasting.....I need ( yes need ) to pray more.....laugh more & cry be myself in all circumstances always with a gentle touch.....a soft ear & always a loving & tender heart.....To all my Family & Friends......Here's To Blessed & Memorable 2014........Love Maggie


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