
Thursday, August 29, 2013

My Sunny Sunflowers Day's

Night Time With Maggie......As you can see I enjoy gardening when the weather is tolerable ......which has not been lately......But luckily I planted my seeds when the weather was cooler.....and looked what blossomed right before my eyes......beautiful tall & whimsy.....Some may say you reap what you sow.......& my garden reaped elegant sunflowers......When I was a child I remember my Daddy planting in our backyard back East & that is when my love affair with sunflowers began.....My Sister & I would pluck the seeds for our parrot Polly......yes a very original name.....while we plucked.....we could not resist the taste of fresh raw seeds....With our crazy California weather......I will indeed be planting more flowers......seeds....etc......My daughter in law Maru....told me that sunflowers are one of her favorite flowers.......Well my garden may appear full......Life can never have enough flowers.......So I will be sowing & hopefully will be reaping more of God's gifts to us in the form of flowers......

Monday, August 26, 2013

Potpourri Moments

           Monday Moments......August 26th 2013........I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the pool...oh so gently......I love the sound & smell of rain drops......As Summer comes to a end......September 22nd being the first day of Autumn.....Being a East Coast girl at heart......autumn time brings back so many childhood memories.....But today I am focusing on life as it is today......My potpourri sweet & oh so in full of carefree.....I love spending time with my girls......Autumn....Morgan......Ava....Claire......Charlotte & Ivy.....All so different & unique.....they all hold a place in my HEART......People will say to me...." oh I bet you are yearning for a grandson " Oh I am so entirely blessed with my girls......I always wanted to be a Mommy......& God has blessed me with both daughters & sons......& the extra bonus ( blessing ) has been granddaughters.....offsprings of my offsprings......" How special is that " ? If God so chooses for grandsons......then it shall be.......In the meantime......I will enjoy buying girly things......Until next time Be Blessed....Be Warm.....Be Fed.......( Pastor George's ) ending of his sermons......PS Thanks To my son Jordan & his gal Kiace.....for a awesome Dodger Game.... XOXo latest read & guess where some of it takes place......Yes Oh Our Delaware ( Look Again )

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sweet Melissa Elizabeth

Happy 35th Birthday......Sweet Melissa Elizabeth........Turning back the hands of time....... Thursday night......Torrance Memorial Medical Center.......First time Mommy to be ( Maggie ) I was at a baby shower given by one of my south Bay Preschool Mothers.....Pat Krugh ( RIP ) when my water due date was August 19th we were 2 days shy of the 19th.....well anyway when nature calls it calls.......Off to the hospital we was Thursday evening.....arrived there & yes my water indeed we labor pains.......but I need to deliver within 24 in goes the labor inducing drugs......giddy up & we are forward Friday baby yet.......giddy up.......& at 6:17 pm...August 18th......a beautiful little girl came into the world...our world......God's blessing to us......we were thrilled ......a sweet blue eyed little girl......7lbs 14ozs of pure joy......Fast forward 35 years later.......our first born baby daughter to have & to hold........Not only my daughter but my friend.......But always my first born child......I love & adore you Melissa Elizabeth......Love Mommy xo X 35

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Its Time For Dodger Baseball.......

To say I love the Dodgers is a understatement.....My late Father was a huge fan of baseball especially the LA Dodgers......and having 4 grandsons & also 2 granddaughters.......the boys & one granddaughter love baseball especially the LA Dodgers.....what can you say we were inducted into baseball at a very young age ( birth ) . This season I have only been to 2 games......this is nothing compared to the seasons before......I must catch my quota up.....The hubs will go.....just for kiddos anytime......The LA Dodgers are having a fantastic latter season.....Go LA.......My Son David took me last Sunday....for a late Birthday/Mothers Day blessing.........& the Dodgers won & what a pitcher Clayton Kershaw is.....The game was so exciting......and of course I am gearing up for my next adventure to Chavez Ravine......& in honor & memory of my Daddy......Go LA Dodgers & thank you for your love of Americas Favorite Pastime......Your pastime has indeed become our favorite pastime......BASEBALL......

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Just Another Blogging Sunday......

       Just another blogging Sunday.......Happy Happy Sunday.......August 4th 2013.......I so enjoy Summertime......lots of Family time......bbqs......swimming.......frozen yogurt.....beach......concerts in the park......walks around the & pm.....with the gals......Bunco nights......happy hour.....and time spent with my Uncle Ronald Kraus Brittingham & Who could forget my 40th high school reunion......Aviation High School......Class of 1973.....where did the years go.......they just whizzed by......The reunion was a blast.....reconnecting.....with classmates.......some that I have known since I was 11 years old......The class of 73 was such a tight knit many laughs & dancing.......Looking forward to our all gal reunion.....I can hear the laughter now......giggles.......hopefully we do not need our depends ( a inside joke of the Falconettes )......Well until next time......Enjoy the rest of Summer......I know I'll will.......Enjoy......Gods gifts ......PS......Charlotte Rose stopped by Saturday <3


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