
Friday, December 20, 2013

Walking Through A Winter Wonderland......

Greetings From Temecula California......Walking Through A Winter Wonderland.....California Style.....What a season this has been......warm weather.....rainy weather......frigid weather......but through it all The Joy Of The Lord Is Our Strength.......HIS Love keeps us warm...even in trials & tribulations......HE knows our weakness & strength....and believe me I have many weaknesses.....but through it all I need to Believe.......In HIS Glory & Grace......December really came rather quickly......but through it all.......I am HEART is full of my Families LOVE & Support........& most importantly HIS LOVE IS FOREVER........Okay everyone ready......I hear jingle bells.......Delightful December started with our annual Christmas Bunco......oh so much laughter.....12 women ( gals ) in the same place for about 3 mouth was hurting from giggling so hard......we played our crazy game......I really do not know what its called.....but one thing I can tell you ....its fun......I went home with not only a beautiful cake platter ( thanks  Jessica ) but a full tummy & a full heart......Then on Sunday night......I was blessed with the sound of Christmas Carols......while Dave & I took a carriage ride.....horses & all through the vineyards of Temecula's Wine Country.......lights & listening to Christmas Carols......Oh What Fun It Is To Ride In A 2 Horse Red Trolley......& Believe me the fun continued Tuesday night......Old Spaghetti Factory & Mission Inn was our destination.......yummy food......delightful company.......David......Elle......Elizabeth.......Hubs & most importantly Claire & Ivy.......To watch Christmas through a child's eye......doesn't get more magical then that.......& it indeed brought the child in me out..........So I hope the magic of Christmas......warms your heart & soul........& To Always Remember The Reason For The Season......Our Savior........~

Monday, December 2, 2013

Delightful December......

Is it really already December ? How could it be ??????? This past year has really flown by......As the saying goes Christmas is right around the corner. What I like about Christmas is the innocence & joy on my granddaughters faces......To believe in the magic of Santa.....Even though the actual holiday Christmas is to celebrate our Saviors birth.....even though history of HIS birth is questionable.....history tells us he was born when the weather was warm.....but celebrating HIS birth does warm our hearts......Family 's gather together.......white elephant gifts ( oh so fun ) cookies baking.......tree decorating.......just good old simple fun......But lets talk about November......Thanksgiving......actually my favorite holiday by much to be thankful for,,,,,,,,Give Thanks To The Lord,For He Is Good...His love endures of my favorite verses....kind of sums it all up...He Love Endures Forever & Always......Just like our Family's love.....Spending time & making what it is all about.......Sing Praise......

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rainy Yesterday's & Sunny Days........

Oh how I love rainy days......all snuggle up at home......candles scenting my home.......homemade tortilla soup simmering on the stove.....ahhh a mixture of vanilla soy candles & the aroma of soup.....quite the combination......Then it was time to venture out to Costco's.....went to the entryway to retrieve my umbrella......Hey who took my flowery umbrella ?????? So before heading out to the BIG Box was out to find a umbrella.....hey & I was not the only one.....surrounding the umbrella's at my local Ross......I did manage to pick up two.....both girly one's .......hopefully to keep away any male Family members.....hey but I doubt it.......Came home from my errands.....exhausted......made myself a cup of hot cocoa......and of course a blueberry muffin.....that is one of the main reasons I went to Costco's.....hehe......I am addicted....yikes......its muffin rehab for me......BTW the tortilla soup was ever so scrumptious....that even Jacob.....came upstairs later in the give me a hug around the neck.....and thanked Momma.............Then woke up this morning.....thinking that maybe it would still be raining......but the clouds opened up to sunshine & birds.....singing a joyful today.....may the glory of our Son......hug you around the neck......

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Bountiful Harvest Of Blessings.....Jordan Turns 24......

Happy Birthday......Jordan turns 24........a day in the life of Jordan.......Disneyland......School........Girlfriend Kiace.......Work & Family <3 Let me give you a little insight into my son Jordan......He is a artist.....even though he say's he is not.....I think he is.....he is also becoming a great chef....all on his own....with his stir fry.....being ever so scrumptious.....he treats his Family with the such respect & also his gf Kiace....who is a sweetheart.....they are both students.....Jordan who wants to be a web designer & Kiace a nurse......they want to wait to get married after they both finish choice.....they both love anything Disney.....Jordan even has Disney pjs sweet & cute......He laughs loves & cries.....such a giving young man.......Jordan Gonzalez I Love You To The Moon & Back......As long as I am living......your Mommy I'll be & forever.....

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fluffy Robes.....Blueberry Muffins & A Hug Around The Neck......etc....

Fluffy Robes.....Blueberry Muffins & A Hug Around The Neck.......Life's simple pleasures etc......Good Morning From Temecula California.....a slightly dreary wise that is.....but the birds continue singing a lovely tune.....for birds just live in the moment......I woke up this morning to the sound of barking dogs.....birds chirping away......all while I was all snug in my warm robe......Praising Gods sight in my right eye is improving.....never to be fully perfect.....but HIS love is perfect for a simple gal like HIS timing...not mine. As one can see I love bird collection has become a I need to control.....but they are so whimsical & sweet.....I am almost always on the outlook for birds....not just any thing that catches my eyes....but a sweet creatures.....that say's take me home.....Talking about home.....memories that sustains me is remember my Momma.....singing I love you a bushel & a peck & a hug around the neck.....I can hear her sweet voice.....singing that song to that I have sung to my kiddos & my sweet granddaughters.....but a songbird I am not......but this song fills my heart....I will leave the chirping & singing to Gods creatures.....while I enjoy my blueberry muffin....enjoy

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November Mornings....

Goodbye October.......Hello November......October was a very trying month for our Family.....On October 7th we decided it was time to put our beloved dog Shadow was not a easy decision to make......but we knew in our hearts it was the humane thing to do.....our hearts are beyond sad....but we were blessed with the years we had with her.....October was also full of highlights too.....taking our Charlotte Rose to the pumpkin patch was such a delight.......hay.....pumpkins.......ponies.....goblins......was so much fun for our little one.......Also October also brought me to Menifee Medical Center......for eye surgery to repair my macular hole......yes the BIG BLACK HOLE......that has taken up residence in my right eye.......and prevented my vision.....a 2 hour hopefully prevent any further damage & hopefully to restore some vision.......just a side Doctor.....surgeon....told my husband that I talked all during the surgery......who me lol.......gosh I wonder what I said.....hopefully that will stay in the operating room.....hehe......keeping my head down for one entire week was quite a that I am happy to say.....I vision is still blurred.....but getting better all the time......Now with October behind us.....whew...its time to say Hello November........

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday Thoughts......Yesterday's Memories......

Thursday Thoughts......Yesterday Memories......Do you ever have those days...when your mind wonders of days gone bye.Well today & yesterday.....have been days like that. Thinking back to my childhood......closing my eyes & there I am 132 Somers ave Swanwyck Estates New Castle Delaware....a historic little town......cobblestone roads.......row houses.....with shutters......colonial doors......Easter parade's at the town park.....Easter egg hunts.......Autumn time.....sipping apple cider & the crunch of a ginger snap.......yes memories etched in my mind & heart......Our home was a quaint style ranch house.....adorned with shutters....a brick front.....a huge tree.......and a ample backyard......big enough for 3 little girls to run through backyard circus's / carnivals.....the sweet innocent ....... laughter of children.......Father's at work.....Mother's busy in the kitchen.....preparing supper.....washing dishes as they hum folk songs......yes like I said memories.....of days gone by.......Sometimes I still want to be that little girl......holding onto her Mothers arm.......But little girls grow up to be Mommy's themselves.......with her children always holding onto her hand & heart........A Abundance Of Blessings In All Situations......


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